How Pre-Employment Tests Help with Onboarding and Training New Hires

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How Pre-Employment Tests Help with Onboarding and Training New Hires

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The onboarding process is one of the most overlooked facets of hiring, even though it helps ensure new hires are fully integrated into your team more quickly. In most organizations, onboarding consists of a short greeting, a quick facility tour, hurried introductions to team members, and piles of paperwork.

According to a Gallup survey, only 12% of employees think their company has an effective onboarding process, and nearly one in five say their most recent onboarding experience was poor, or they received no onboarding at all.

The impact of a formal onboarding program can be significant because new hires feel more welcome and assimilate into the team and company culture more quickly. When newly hired employees go through a formal onboarding process, they understand their performance expectations and do better on the job.

Download the Executive Report on this page to learn more about

  • How to hire the right candidates with pre-employment tests
  • How to use pre-employment tests to guide onboarding
  • How to measure progress using pre-employment tests
  • How to use pre-employment tests to speed up your onboarding process

Want to learn how pre-employment testing can streamline your onboarding process and help you get new hires up to speed faster? Contact us to request a demo.

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